MAHI 2 - Whale Shark Swim Dive Exmouth

Come aboard Mahi 2 for an unparalleled whale shark experience of a lifetime – the chance to get up close and personal with the world’s largest fish.

Our whale shark swims give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the crystal waters of Ningaloo Reef and swim alongside these gentle giants as they cruise the waters of Western Australia’s north west cape, their annual meeting ground for up to six months.

A Whale Shark Swim at Ningaloo Reef is a giant tick off your travel experience and dream destination bucket list!

About Us

Join us on an adventure of a lifetime snorkelling with these gentle Whaleshark giants in the nutrient rich waters of the Ningaloo Reef between March and early August. Our highly experienced, professional and fun crew will ensure your interactions with the biggest fish in the sea are relaxed, safe, and most importantly, unforgettable!!

We reserve the right to alter or cancel specific dives/tours/courses without notice due to weather, sea conditions, minimum numbers or other factors. We always recommend that you travel with flexibility in your itinerary and with travel insurance – please contact your local travel agent for details on the best travel insurance for your travel needs.

What's Included

  • FREE Video of your Whaleshark Swim Tour by Profesional Videographer (USB not included)
  • An unforgettable day on board our well-equipped vessels, with the World's Leading Whaleshark Swim Team
  • Quality service and handy tips to maximise your time spent with the Ningaloo Whale Sharks
  • Morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and refreshments throughout the day
  • Celebrational glass of sparkling wine or light beer to end your adventure
  • For all of our Whaleshark Swim Adventures, we employ a light aircraft to fly overhead throughout the day to spot each shark and guide the boat to it. Our plane time is NOT limited to two hours.
  • Fully qualified and experienced Crew who will answer your questions, help with your gear and brief you on how to get the most from your day!
  • A Pre-Whaleshark Snorkel lesson for everyone
  • All DPaW fees included, a proportion of your ticket price goes towards Whaleshark Research.
  • Good 'Whaleshark Swim' Guarantee in the unlikely event no whale shark is sighted on your Whale Shark Adventure with us or you just didn't get a good swim. We offer a free repeat tour on standby, yours to take in the next 3 years. (conditions apply).
  • Free Mini Golf /Amusement centre Voucher
  • No Gimmicks, Just great Whaleshark swims & Great Service, with boats designed for Whalesharking & Crew who Love it.

Your Crew will brief and assist you throughout the day with information about the Whalesharks: sex, behaviour, feeding patterns, how to take photos and more. They will also instruct you on how to best approach and swim with the Whalesharks so that your encounter with the world's largest fish is a truly memorable one.

BlueSun Travel is a fully accredited ATAS cruise agency with AFTA (the Australian Federation of Travel Agencies) and a member of IATA and CLIA.  We are the owners of BluesSun2 Boat Charters, BlueSun Cruises, Kimberley Boat Cruises, Galapagos Boat Cruises, and Best Honeymoon Packages.

BlueSun is widely regarded as the number one marine and charter boat booking agency in Australia.


FROM $415 per person
Duration: 8 Hours
Location: North West Cape WA